Letter of congratulations from M. Jacques CHIRAC, Président of the Republic, to Mrs. Ellen JOHNSON-SIRLEAF on her election.

Letter of congratulations from M. Jacques CHIRAC, Président of the Republic, to Mrs. Ellen JOHNSON-SIRLEAF on her election as President of Liberia.

(Paris, 23 November 2005)

President Johnson-Sirleaf,

Following your election as President of Liberia, it gives me great pleasure to extend to you my most sincere congratulations and warm wishes of success in the high office the Liberian people have entrusted to you.

After long years of crisis and a transition process attentively followed by the international community, Liberia is today embarking on a new chapter in her political history. I am certain that, under your leadership, she will be able to find the way forward to national reconciliation, institutional consolidation and prosperity.

France, who maintains long-standing ties of friendship and cooperation with Liberia and the surrounding region, will be very keen to support her on this path.

Again wishing you every success, (complimentary close).

Jacques CHIRAC

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