Letter of congratulations from M. Jacques Chirac, President of the Republic, to Mr Nguyen Minh TRIET, President-elect of Vietnam.

Paris, 30 June 2006

President Triet,

I most warmly congratulate you on your election as President of Vietnam and wish you every success in carrying out the duties of your office.

Vietnam is at a decisive moment in her history: her remarkable economic performance must lead her to play an ever greater part in world affairs. Here I see the opportunity for our two countries to tighten still further the close ties of friendship and trust which unite them.

I also want to assure you of France's willingness and my personal determination to work with you to pursue and step up our cooperation in the areas where we have already embarked on a great deal together and boost it in those areas where results still fall short of what can legitimately be expected.

(complimentary close, with handwritten addition).